
Clinical Assessor provides at-home care for seniors

Want support with living at home?

Need access to experienced carers and nurses?

Not sure how to get started?

Contact us today

Want support with living at home?

Need access to experienced carers and nurses?

Not sure how to get started?

Contact us today

Welcome to Clinical Assessor

Stay in the Home You Love

Our experienced team helps seniors to live independently for longer in their own home and community.

Nursing Services

Registered Nurses from Clinical Assessor provide complex medical support at home.

Allied Health Services

Request the services of a physiotherapist, podiatrist, speech therapist or other practitioner.

Lifestyle Services

Access exercise and mental wellbeing programs that are tailored to your needs.

Personal Care Services

A care worker can visit you to help with showering and self-care.

Home and Garden

Schedule a gardener or cleaner to visit your home on a regular basis.

Extra Support

Private nursing services are available for self-funded clients.

About Us

Empowering Independent Living

Getting older does not have to mean moving into residential aged care.
With the right support, you can continue to live in your home or retirement village, even if you have complex medical requirements.
At Clinical Assessor, we partner with you, guiding you through every step of your home care journey so you can access care that fully meets your needs.
If you love where you live but need extra support for better health and peace of mind, take the first step and contact us today.